Contacts functionality has been Added. You can create and edit contacts on the application. Create events for them.
A new contact will be auto created when an event will be stored.
API End points added for contacts. Documentation updated.
Internal application updates.
Organization number for address was added.
Fixes for subscription automation.
Fixes at subscription invoices list.
Internal application updates.
Styling fixes on buttons for google.
Fix messages for English / Greek.
Fixes on mail chimp and zoom integration.
Internal application updates.
Recaptcha added for registration page.
Updates on free subscription plan.
Fixes on toggle buttons.
Added logo on client’s page. Organization can upload their logo.
Redirect url for events was added.
Styling fixes on inputs.
New email templates added.
Fix password generator for google and Microsoft login.
New image location for google / Microsoft.
Notifications for the mobile added for cancelation of events too.
Internal application udates.
Styling fixes on various screens.
Notifications for the mobile have been added. Now users will get a notification on their mobile phone when an event will be created.
Activity log for web and api added. Administrators can see a full log with the activities for every user in the application.
Initial release